diyfish Life Mapping System
Print Instruction
Step by step instruction to print diyfish Life Mapping Inserts.
- Make sure your printer is updated, connected, and turned on. It must be added to your computer’s devices.
- Please use your computer you open the PDF files.
- Open your PDF files in Adobe Acrobat Reader (You can download Acrobat Reader FREE from here ).
- Print double side (If you don’t have a duplex printer, please scroll down);
- Print Actual size (PC) or 100% (MAC);
- Select “Auto portrait/landscape”
- Make sure the paper you use matches your setting and your PDF.
Paper sizes information
U.S. sized paper
- Legal = 8.5″ × 14″;
- Letter = 8.5″ × 11″;
- Half Letter = 5.5″ × 8.5″
Other paper sizes
- Personal size = 95 x 171 (mm)
- FC Compact / B6 Slim = 108 x 171 (mm)
- Field Notes = 3.5″ x 5.5″
- diyfish Pocket size = 82 x 125 (mm)
- A5s / TNR size = 4.33 x 8.27” = 110 x 210 (mm)
A-Series sized paper
- A3 = 297 × 420 (mm)
- A4 = 210 × 297 (mm)
- A5 = 148 × 210 (mm)
- A6 = 105 × 148 (mm)

For duplex printer
Different printers may vary, the screen captures are for reference only. Computer platform: PC Windows.
Please refer to your printer user menu if you can not locate the options of your printer. Thank you.
- Choose correct files to print,
- “PrintOnLetter” PDFs need to print on Letter size paper
- “PrintOnLegal” PDFs need to print on Legal size paper
- “PrintOnA4” PDFs need to print on A4 size paper
- “PrintOnA3” PDFs need to print on A3 size paper
- Test print first 4 pages to make sure everything is fine is a must for first timer.
- Start from page 1 or any ODD PDF page.
- Page order Front/Back = odd page/odd page+1 (even page/even page+1 is WRONG which causes front and back pages didn’t match)
- print “ACTUAL SIZE” on PC or “100%” on MAC. Do NOT “fit to page”
—– If this setting is wrong, your pages will be printed smaller. - When you duplex, make sure you set the correct “FLIP DIRECTION”
—- If this setting is wrong, your pages will be upside-down.

☝“Filp on SHORT edge” if your pages are laid this way

☝“Filp on LONG edge” if your pages are laid this way

If you do NOT have duplex printer,
Different printers may vary, the screen captures are for reference only. Computer platform: PC Windows.
Please refer to your printer user menu if you can not locate the options of your printer. Thank you.
- Choose correct files to print,
- “PrintOnLetter” PDFs need to print on Letter size paper
- “PrintOnLegal” PDFs need to print on Legal size paper
- “PrintOnA4” PDFs need to print on A4 size paper
- “PrintOnA3” PDFs need to print on A3 size paper
- Test print first 4 pages to make sure everything is fine is a must for first timer.
- print “ACTUAL SIZE” on PC or “100%” on MAC. Do NOT “fit to page”
—– If this setting is wrong, your pages will be printed smaller.
When you print
- Print all the ODD pages on one side of paper.
- Check “REVERSE pages” in the printer’s setting
—- Please be aware that some printers will reverse pages automatically. Please read through the user menu and test print to make sure. - Print all the EVEN pages on the other side of the paper
- Be aware of the direction when you feed the papers back into the tray
- Page order Front/Back = odd page/odd page+1 (even page/even page+1 is WRONG which causes front and back pages didn’t match)